Upper Seneca Baptist Church
Friday, April 19, 2024
Our Mission: Impacting the Kingdom of God one person at a time
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Children's Christmas

Date: Sunday, December 17, 2023
Time: 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM
Location: USBChurch

Children’s Christmas Program
The USBC Children and young adults will be presenting a program entitled
Just a little Christmas
which will end with Spelling C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S

Program from https://freeministryresources.org/

As their turn comes, each child lifts their card to face height, turns it so that the letter faces the audience, and recites their lines.

C      tells us the Lord Jesus CHRIST is his name
H      says down from HEAVEN to earth he came
R      says REMEMBER, God sent him one day
I      says in the INN he had no place to stay
S      speaks of the STAR that shone in the sky
T      tells us that there were great TIDINGS of joy
M      says in a MANGER Jesus was born
A      ANGELS and men worshipped him that morn
S      says, Christ came down to SAVE you and me
[All together] That's the real meaning of Christmas1 you see!

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